Hello world

Hello world

I keep telling myself I should write more. Writing used to be a good habit of mine during (and after) university, and I fancy the idea that people found my articles interesting or helpful.

Why did I stop? Life got in the way. Balancing work, kids, and my nerdy hobbies gradually pushed writing into the background. And then there were the expectations. Writing became a tool, opening doors to career opportunities and connecting me with cool people. But over time, a self-imposed pressure to perform became a stumbling block.

This blog is going to serve as a fresh start to my writing endeavors, except this time I'm doing it differently. I won't burden myself with the pressure to produce optimal, career-enhancing content. Instead, I'll try and stay true to myself and write about whatever strikes my fancy at any given moment.

You can expect thoughts on work, code, and data (I have plenty of those). But also, I'll dive into the world of modular synthesizers and share my ambitions to co-create an audiovisual music album with the help of AI. Perhaps I'll even share the occasional book recommendation or my analysis of the enchanting soundtrack of Disney's Frozen 2, which my toddler son has subjected me to for the 50th time this week.

Let's see how it goes.